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Pinwheel Store buyer guide

Welcome to Pinwheel Store, this is the place you can find high quality products for level design and game development. Below is a quick guide to get you started with the store and buy with confidence.

Note: Product price in all images of this article will be blurred as an indicate that prices are subject to change from time to time.

Log in with your account

Go to and click on the "Log In" button on the top right corner of the page. If you don't have an account yet, you can create one there using your email or social accounts.

Although an account is optional for purchasing on our store, we strongly recommend you to have one for the best expriences, such as checkout form autofill, accessing your purchased product at latter time, etc.

Browse and add products to your cart

Go to and start browsing for product:

level design tools on Pinwheel Store
Pinwheel Store products

You can use filter and sort function to look for the products you want. Click on a product to view its detail page.

Product pricing & promotional events are subject to change from time to time, all prices are excluding tax.

To add a product to your cart, hover on it and click the "Add to Cart" button.

View your cart and checkout

Click on the cart (shopping bag) icon on the top right corner of the page, then click View Cart:

Click on the cart icon to view your cart
Click on the cart icon to view your cart

It will take you to the cart page, where you can review your selected products, quantity, apply coupon code and add special note to the order.

Your cart page
Your cart page

Then, press Checkout to go to the Checkout page:

Part of the Checkout page
Part of the Checkout page

We strongly recommend logging in with your account for better experience. If you have not logged in, you can do it at this step using the "Log in" button.

Next, fill in every required fields in the Customer Details and Billing Address form, check the aggrement boxes.

Finally, click on the "Place Order & Pay" button, then proceed with the payment steps.

Payment successful
Payment successful

Download the products

You can download the products by using the links in the confirmation sent to your email. Note that download links in your confirmation email only valid for 30 days.

Or you can go to your account by clicking on your avatar on the top right corner of the page, then click "My Orders":

Products were added to your account
Products were added to your account

You can find your purchased products there, click the "Download" button to save a product to your computer.

Updating the products

There is no notification system for new product version just yet, please regularly check the product store page for its current version and redownload if needed.


Can I buy product on Pinwheel Store without an account?

Which payment methods are accepted?

How to download the products after purchasing?

Does the listing price include tax?

Can I request a refund if I'm disatisfied with the products?

How can I reach out for customer support?

What is the different between the products on Pinwheel Store and Unity Asset Store?

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